What's our goal?

Our goal is simple - help you follow Jesus and learn to obey Him!

Who Are We?

Matthew 4:19 - And Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of people." Follow Him With Us (FHWU) is a ministry, based in Friendsville, TN.  Our goal is to follow Jesus in everything that we do, obey Jesus in everything that we do, and help teach others how to follow and obey Jesus with us.  As part of FHWU, we have a church called Harvest at the Silos, which meets weekly at Butler Farm Wedding and Event Center.  We strive to push people to engage in Jesus discussions in every part of their life - their homes, their workplace, and anywhere else that they go.  We teach the power of a testimony to bring people to Jesus, and show the power of what He can do in your life to fix the broken pieces.  We also teach people their spiritual gifts so that they can use those gifts to minister in different ways and with different passions.  Our goal is to help you find those gifts and passions so that you can use them to glorify Jesus!  We always want to teach and lead by example, and to be there to help answer any questions, while directing people to serve our King Jesus!!

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